From the Chair #1

First post actually from my lovely comfortable chemo chair. Well, it might be lovely and comfortable say if it was in front of a TV like Joey and Chandler’s…

But unfortunately being in it means I have toxic little streams running into my veins so all the positives of the chair are kinda lost… Slept a little outside. I think I might be slightly sunburnt now though. Sun kissed at least – But I’m adding it to my list of positives from today. 🙂

My list today includes:

  1. Finding a spot outside out of the breeze and in the warm sun to nap
  2. Actually napping!
  3. Between appointments getting to edit and post all my pictures from today
  4. Finding out the facebook page I help manage is only a few hits away from breaking 10,000
  5. Finishing 3 assignments (although I did those last night when I couldn’t sleep…still counting them though!)

Things I’m going to work on:

  1. Not fretting about people around me. They either want to be there or they dont so just going to keep trekking along and see if they keep trekking along with me. 
  2. That said, going to try and be more open to people being around… and not being scared of having them there.

Going to need some luck or just sheer will power to get out of my head for the last two. I think we’ll call today a good day.

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